A bit about me.
I am an exuberant extrovert, a mentor, blogger and aspiring coach who loves feminist literature, tea, dancing, spinning and cocktail bars with a view.
My career has been more of a jungle gym than a straight career ladder. Before I found my calling as an EA, I worked in Marketing as a Brand Manager and also did stint in Recruitment.
I’ve been a PA/EA now since 2016 and absolutely love it, but I didn’t always feel this way about my role. I hate to admit that I used to be embarrassed and felt that I was “just” the PA. I had huge amounts of self-doubt and lacked confidence. Like many PA/EAs I fell into the role by accident, and I only started to love my role once I started to view it as a “career” and not just a job that provides a pay-check, but really seeing the value my role brings to an organisation.
I am also passionate about continuous learning & development - something which many organisations are unfortunately still lacking for the PA/EA community.
I am currently working at the LEGO Group, (and yes, it is as fabulous as you imagine it to be), where I support one of our Digital VPs. I am also part of the Lego Group’s internal PA Committee which arranges learning & development opportunities for our 90+ global PA/EA’s and aims to bring our PA community closer together.
I am immensely proud of being the winner of two PA/EA Awards. In 2021 I was awarded the City AM PA Award for Resilience & Positivity, which “celebrates PAs and EAs who make a difference just by being them. Overcoming obstacles and challenges and remaining positive, this energy runs through organisations and has a huge impact on the culture of the organisation itself.” Most recently I was won the 2022 Strategic PA (formally BBO) Award for Above & Beyond, which was in recognition of my work partnering with my Executive, playing integral role in our Leadership Team and successfully implementing initiatives and activities across our department.